Poor Blood Circulation: A Neglected Cause of Hair Loss
One hair loss cause that is not discussed much is poor blood circulation in your scalp. This must be included in any discussion or listing of what causes hair loss or what can improve hair growth. What is crucial for healthy hair growth is the quantity and quality of blood reaching the hair root.
If your hair root does not receive an adequate supply of blood, lymph, oxygen, and nutrients, it will shrink and die.Reduced blood flow to the scalp can be caused by another bodily condition: tension or stress. Excessive stress causes muscles to tighten, reducing blood flow to the extremities of our body – feet, hands, and head. Capillaries become constricted, delivering less blood to your hair follicles and roots.
Stress also interacts with androgenic hormones to tighten the scalp, making it thinner and more susceptible to hair loss. However, women seem to maintain a thicker scalp, which is a more conducive environment for continuous hair growth.
Your blood circulation can also be impeded by hardened crystals that form from sebum and hair perspiration. These crystals clog the follicles, causing surrounding tissue to harden and restrict blood flow to the follicle. Using apple cider vinegar as a final rinse during shampooing and employing jojoba oil as a hair gel can help minimize the formation of these crystals.
Any arthritis or tightening of neck muscles can restrict blood flow to the head. In such cases, neck massages are beneficial. Regular exercise or physical activity can also help increase blood circulation to your head.
In cases of hair loss caused by poor blood circulation, regularly inverting your head (placing it below your heart) can increase blood flow to your scalp. However, individuals with high blood pressure or circulatory problems should avoid these techniques. You can lie in bed with your head hanging over the edge. Bring your head close to the floor, count to 10, and then bring it back level with your body. Repeat this 6-7 times once or twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Gradually increase the count from 10 as you continue to perform this exercise.
There are also slant boards available that allow you to lie on the board with your head close to the floor and your feet elevated, with the height determined by the angle of the slant. If you practice yoga, you can also perform a headstand.
For effective scalp massage, it is recommended to perform it at least twice a day. Place your fingertips on your scalp and move the scalp in two directions: forward and backward, and in a circular motion. Avoid rubbing or scratching your scalp to prevent hair breakage and scalp damage.
Poor blood circulation is a cause of hair loss that you can address. By implementing some of the recommended techniques listed here, you can contribute to healthier and longer-lasting hair.