Sunday, May 24, 2009


             All these years, you thought you
             were doing something good for your heart.
            Look at "Cardio"
             from Your Heart's Perspective

at any rack of fitness magazines and you'll see the covers loaded with
the advice that you need "cardio." Go to any gym and the trainer will
devote some of your time to "cardio." You probably don't like it, yet
you feel compelled to comply. After all, who doesn't want a healthy

parlance has even accepted the term "cardio" (short for cardiovascular
endurance training) as synonymous with exercise for your heart. But
shouldn't exercise make that body part stronger? When you study the
heart's changes from cardiovascular endurance training, you find it
getting weaker in some critical capacities that simulate the changes
caused by stress and aging.

forcing your body to perform the same continuous cardiovascular
challenge by repeating the same movement, at the same rate, thousands
of times over, without variation, without rest, is unnatural. By that I
mean our ancestors didn't regularly stress their cardiovascular systems
in this manner. Sure, this type of demand could have occurred rarely,
but not in the daily environment of a native society in balance with
its surroundings.

nature has designed your body to adapt to whatever environment it
encounters. If you ask it to perform an activity repeatedly and
routinely, it will gradually change the systems involved to meet the
challenge more effectively. But what adaptive changes does continuous
cardiovascular activity cause?

duration taxing your endurance produces some unique challenges your
body must overcome. It must not run out of fuel, overheat, or be
overwhelmed with metabolic wastes. Its primary adaptation will be to
become more efficient at light, long, continuous, low output. One of
the ways that your body adapts is by gradually rebuilding your heart,
lungs, blood vessels, and muscles into the smallest possible form while
still maintaining the minimum "horsepower" required to perform the

waste fuel and raw material with a Ferrari sized engine going 20 miles
per hour. Forced, continuous endurance exercise induces your heart and
lungs to "downsize" because smaller allows you to go further… more
efficiently…and with less rest… and less fuel.

The Danger of "Downsizing" Your Heart's Capacity
what's wrong with increasing durational capacity through downsizing?
Instead of building heart strength, your body robs your heart of vital reserve capacity.
Your heart's reserve capacity is that portion of its maximal output
that you don't use during usual activity. Let's go back to the car
analogy. Say you normally drive at a speed of 40 miles per hour, but
your car has the ability to speed up to a top speed of 140 miles per
hour. If you think of your heart as the engine, your reserve capacity
is the difference between your normal cruising speed and that top

if you downsize your heart and lungs, you have traded reserve capacity
for efficiency at continuous duration. This then forces these vital
organs to operate dangerously close to their maximal output when
circumstances challenge them. For your heart, this is a problem you
don't need. 

attacks don't occur because of a lack of endurance. They occur when
there is a sudden increase in cardiac demand that exceeds your heart's
capacity. Giving up your heart's reserve capacity to adapt to unnatural
bouts of continuous prolonged duration only increases your risk of
sudden cardiac death. 

ground-breaking study of long-distance runners showed that, after a
workout, the blood levels and oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and
triglycerides increased. Researchers also found thatprolonged running
disrupted the balance of blood thinners and thickeners, elevating
inflammatory factors and clotting levels – both signs of heart di

Long-Duration Exercisers
Showed Signs of Heart Distress
Increased LDL Cholesterol & Triglycerides
Increased Oxidation of Cholesterol
Elevated Clotting & Inflammation Factors

These changes do not reflect a heart that's becoming stronger after exercise.

for long periods makes your heart adept at handling a 60-minute jog,
but it accomplishes this feat by trading in its ability to rapidly
provide you with big bursts when circumstances might demand. The real
key to preventing heart disease and protecting and strengthening your
heart is to induce the opposite adaptive response produced by
continuous cardio and increase your heart's reserve capacity. Bigger, fastercardiac output that's readily available is what you really need. 

clinical studies show us the benefit of avoiding long-duration routines
and exercising in shorter bursts. Researchers from the University of
Missouri found that short bouts of exercise were more effective for
lowering fat and triglyceride levels in the blood. (High triglycerides dramatically increase your risk of heart disease.)

Another study revealed that the duration
of exercise routines predicts the risk of heart disease in men. They
found that several shorter sessions of physical activity were more
effective for lowering the risk of coronary heart disease.

The Secret to a "Hundred-Year Heart" is Millions of Years Old

ancestors lived in a world where their food fought back. Predators
attacked without notice. Humans had to run or fight – fast and hard.
These short bursts of high-output activity fine-tuned our ancient
ancestors and kept them fit. We still have the same physiology.

do you recreate that kind of challenge? The key is to create an "oxygen
debt." Simply exercise at a pace you can't sustain for more than a
short period. Ask your lungs for more oxygen than they can provide.

The difference between the oxygen you need and the oxygen you get is your oxygen debt.This
will cause you to pant and continue to breathe hard even after you've
stopped the exertion (until you replace the oxygen you're lacking). 

an example: Let's say you pedal as fast as you can on a bike for 15
seconds. When you stop, you continue to pant. This is the kind of
high-output challenge you can't sustain for very long. You have reached
a supra-aerobic zone. This is very different from doing an aerobic workout for 45 minutes.

you can try doing one-minute intervals – either running or riding a
bike. Work yourself up to a speed that you cannot sustain for very
long. After one minute, rest. You can do this by slowing down to a very
slow speed or you can stop altogether if you need to. Do this 3 or 4

these types of interval exercises, you'll quickly start to build up
reserve capacity in your heart. This is exactly what you need to
prevent heart attacks and heart disease.

Peter Mwaura Mutiti

Mobile: +254-723-024-871



Microcirculation deals with the flow of blood from arterioles to cappillaries or sinusoids to venules.

Microcirculation deals with the flow of blood from arterioles to cappillaries or sinusoids to venules.

Blood flows freely between an arteriole and a venule through a vessel channel called a thoroughfare channel. Capillaries extend from this channel and structures called precapillary sphincters control the flow of blood between the arteriole and capillaries

What are capillaries?

Capillaries are extremely small vessels located within the tissues of the body that transport blood from the arteries to the veins. Capillary walls are thin and are composed of endothelium (a single layer of overlapping flat cells). Oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and wastes are exchanged through the thin walls of the capillaries.

The flow of blood is controlled by structures called precapillary sphincters. These structures are located between arterioles and capillaries and contain muscle fibers that allow them to contract. When the sphincters are open, blood flows freely to the capillary beds of body tissue. When the sphincters are closed, blood is not allowed to flow through the capillary beds.

Capillary Size

Capillaries are so small that red blood cells can only travel through them in single file.

* 5-10 microns in diameter.


What are sinusoids?

The liver, spleen and bone marrow contain vessel structures called sinusoids instead of capillaries. Similar to capillaries sinusoids are composed of endothelium. The individual endothelial cells however do not overlap as in capillaries and are spread out. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, proteins and wastes are exchanged through the thin walls of the sinusoids.

Sinusoid Size

* 30-40 microns in diameter.

The precapillary sphincters contain muscle fibers that allow them to contract. When the sphincters are open, blood flows freely to the capillary beds where gases and waste can be exchanged with body tissue. When the sphincters are closed, blood is not allowed to flow through the capillary beds and must flow directly from the arteriole to the venule through the thoroughfare channel.

It is important to note that blood is supplied to all parts of the body at all times but all capillary beds do not contain blood at all times. Blood is diverted to the parts of the body that need it most at a particular time. For instance when you eat a meal blood is diverted from other parts of your body to the digestive tract.

Vessel Sizes:

Vessel Diameter in Microns Arterioles 20-50 Capillaries 5-10 Sinusoids 30-40 Venules 30-40

When you hear someone mention circulation you probably think of the heart and major arteries—and for good reason. Circulatory disorders such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) are major risk factors for heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. But there's more to it than that.

With all the attention on the heart and arteries, it's easy to overlook serious health problems affecting the smallest components of the circulatory system—microscopic blood vessels called microcapillaries, where the critical exchange of oxygen and nutrients actually takes place. If blood isn't flowing through this web properly, it can trigger all sorts of health problems, many of which may not seem related to circulation at all.

A number of factors contribute to poor circulation as we age. Arteries and veins become stiff and congested as cholesterol and calcium plaques accumulate and restrict blood flow. Spasms in the smooth muscles surrounding the circulatory arteries and veins can also choke off circulation. These same processes also occur in our microcapillaries, reducing microcirculation and impairing the critical exchange of nutrients and gases in tissues and major organs.

This problem only gets worse as we get older because of changes in the composition and structure of blood cells. As you reach middle age, the blood starts to thicken and congeal as platelets and blood proteins make cells sticky. Plus, the spleen—the organ that removes old, damaged blood cells from circulation—begins to slow down with age, which means new, healthy blood cells are replaced at a sharply reduced rate. And to make matters even worse, as blood cells age, they become stiff and no longer appear round and evenly shaped. This makes it harder for them to pass smoothly through the capillaries. In fact, the angular, jagged shape of the old cells can damage the fragile microcapillaries even further.

Eventually, these age-related changes take their toll on the microcapillaries, reducing circulation to the tissues and blocking the flow of nutrients and oxygen. Removal of carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products is also hindered. This leads to a slow buildup of metabolic garbage that can gradually bury the cells in their own waste products. In time, the cells, poisoned by their own metabolic byproducts, begin to waste away and ultimately cease to function altogether.

The combined effect of poor circulation and old blood contributes to a host of symptoms, including deep fatigue, fuzzy thinking, frequent infections, and lowered sex drive—all conditions usually considered just "normal parts of aging." If circulation doesn't improve, it can lead to more serious conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis. But giving your body a fresh supply of healthy blood may target all of these problems and more.

The Tasly Cardiotonic Pill is used to smoothen and improve the flexibility of red cells and blood vessels, check blood viscosity, vascular stenosis, clears calcium plaque and fatty deposited on vessels, clears blood clots, heals damaged or aged insulin switches on cell walls necessary for the normal function of insulin key to open the insulin switch to enable conversion of sugar to glycogen for storage in the cell or to release energy for cellular metabolism.

Unlike other herbal based medicines, Tasly has invested heavily in modern technogy: molecular dispersion technique, used in the manufacture of Cardiotonic pills.

These are in crystal form and easier to be absorbed under the tongue, faster action, and smaller dossage. These are safe because they are not in powder form; meaning that there is no risk of dust associated with the manufacturing process.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tasly Cardiotonic Pill Remains The Leading Herbal Medicine For Curing Micro Blood Vessels: Microcirculation Diseases

When you hear someone mention circulation you probably think of the heart and major arteries—and for good reason. Circulatory disorders such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) are major risk factors for heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. But there's more to it than that. With all the attention on the heart and arteries, it's easy to overlook serious health problems affecting the smallest components of the circulatory system—microscopic blood vessels called microcapillaries, where the critical exchange of oxygen and nutrients actually takes place. If blood isn't flowing through this web properly, it can trigger all sorts of health problems, many of which may not seem related to circulation at all.

A number of factors contribute to poor circulation as we age. Arteries and veins become stiff and congested as cholesterol and calcium plaques accumulate and restrict blood flow. Spasms in the smooth muscles surrounding the circulatory arteries and veins can also choke off circulation. These same processes also occur in our microcapillaries, reducing microcirculation and impairing the critical exchange of nutrients and gases in tissues and major organs.

This problem only gets worse as we get older because of changes in the composition and structure of blood cells. As you reach middle age, the blood starts to thicken and congeal as platelets and blood proteins make cells sticky. Plus, the spleen—the organ that removes old, damaged blood cells from circulation—begins to slow down with age, which means new, healthy blood cells are replaced at a sharply reduced rate. And to make matters even worse, as blood cells age, they become stiff and no longer appear round and evenly shaped. This makes it harder for them to pass smoothly through the capillaries. In fact, the angular, jagged shape of the old cells can damage the fragile microcapillaries even further.

Eventually, these age-related changes take their toll on the microcapillaries, reducing circulation to the tissues and blocking the flow of nutrients and oxygen. Removal of carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products is also hindered. This leads to a slow buildup of metabolic garbage that can gradually bury the cells in their own waste products. In time, the cells, poisoned by their own metabolic byproducts, begin to waste away and ultimately cease to function altogether.

The combined effect of poor circulation and old blood contributes to a host of symptoms, including deep fatigue, fuzzy thinking, frequent infections, and lowered sex drive—all conditions usually considered just "normal parts of aging." If circulation doesn't improve, it can lead to more serious conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis. But giving your body a fresh supply of healthy blood may target all of these problems and more.

For more information: contact:
Peter Mwaura Mutiti
Mobile: +254-723-024-871

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Go downIs a Chinese herbal product that is one of the top selling herbal products sold in China for heart health. Dan Shen (Salviae Mitiorrhizae), Cardiotonic Pill main herb, first appeared in China’s “Shen Nong Herbal Classic” and has been clinically used for decades as a blood moving herb in promoting circulation.

Combined with other blood moving and Qi tonifying herbs, Cardiotonic Pill or Danshen Plus Capsule is a convenient, alternative therapy for heart health based on Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and modern day research.

Its droplet pill formulation offers many advantages such as low dosage, rapid and complete absorption, fast onset of action, high potency and convenience.

Tasly Cardiotonic Pill

Main Ingredients:
Dan Shen (Salviae Mitiorrhizae)
San Qi (Panax Notoginseng)
Huang Qi (Astragalus membranaceus)
Jiang Xiang (Dalbergiae Odoriferae)

Suggested Use:

Take 1 pill orally three times per day. The effect was achieved faster when taken under the tongue, let dissolve in mouth and swallow. Improvement for healthy heart function has been seen after only 2-4 weeks.

The Dripping Pill, a Prevalent Dosage Form for Higher Bioavailability:

Innovation in herbal medicine can be found throughout the world these days, and there is no better example of manufacturing and dosage vicissitude than the dripping pill, manufactured by Tasly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., one of the top five largest pharmaceutical companies in China.

The Dripping Pill is a rapidly developing form of Chinese herbal medicine, prepared by blending an herbal extract and a matrix under thermal conditions and dripping the mixture into a cooling liquid in which the droplets are insoluble. The process of pill formation results in a solid-dispersoid in a pill shape.

Characteristics of the Dosage Form:

Dripping pills are a promising dosage form. The process of formation is similar to that of preparing a solid dispersoid by melting. Melting herbal extract and matrix together make the botanical molecules disperse evenly throughout the matrix, and when congealed to from a eutectic solution, both herbal extract and the matrix molecules turn into very fine, tiny crystals. These crystals are easily absorbed with a higher bioavailability, rapid biological activity and lower adverse effects compared with conventional dosage forms such as, tablets and capsules. This helps promote stability of the herbal extract. Fine crystals of the herbal molecules are tightly embedded in the matrix, with no herbal powder or dust produced during manufacturing. Each single dose is exact and reproducible due to the even distribution of the herbal extract.

Why Dripping Pills Increase Bioavailability?

Formation of tiny, fine crystals: In the preparation of dripping pills, herbal extract and matrix are melted together to make a solution in which the herbal extract is distributed in molecular form within the matrix. When the solution cools down the solubility decreases and the molecules of the herbal extract are separated out.

Due to rapid cooling, the viscosity of the solution increases rapidly, the solution is solidified, and the botanical molecules separated out cannot conglomerate into large crystals. As a result, micro-crystals are formed. These micro-crystals have a rapidly-dissolvable property within body fluids and a better bioavailability. For example, when Griseofulvin (an antifungal drug) Dripping Pill with PEG 6000 in its matrix is examined under a microscope, it can be seen that crystals at a size between 2-3µ account for only 5.39%, while the remaining is composed of crystals under 2µ.

Dissolubility, solubility and surface activity of the matrix: In dripping pills, the poorly soluble microcrystals of the herbal extract are surrounded tightly by a water-soluble matrix. The matrix dissolves quickly in body fluids, and the herbal extract will form a homogeneous suspension of micro-crystals when agitated slightly, allowing the herbal extract to come in contact with the body fluid closely and increase the dissolution process.

Elimination of aggregation and agglomeration of herbal extract powder: When an herbal extract with low water-solubility in powder form is put into water, some small conglomerations floating on the water surface usually occur during the course of dissolution. They are difficult to disperse, even with strong stirring. In the case of dripping pills, the tiny, fine crystals of the herbal extract are embedded in the water-soluble matrix, and thus no aggregation or agglomeration will occur. The herbal extract will become wet and begin dissolving quickly as the surrounding matrix dissolves.

As you can see, it is an intense and rigorous manufacturing process to create such an innovative new form as the dripping pill. But, when the benefits and effectiveness are so high, it seems essential to have access to such a dosage form. Honso is proud to be working with Tasly, who believes in the task of finding the most effective ways to help patients with herbal medicine, and bringing these products to the forefront of our industry worldwide.

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